About Stocks

Q. Where is Bell-Park stock traded?

Bell-Park is listed on the Standard Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.

Q. What is Bell-Parkʼs securities code?

The code is 9441.

Q. How many shares are in a trading unit?

One trading unit (tangen) is 100 shares.

Q. What is Bell-Parkʼs annual dividend?

Click here to see information about the fundamental policy for earnings distributions and dividend payments.

Q. What are the record dates for receiving dividends?

Click here to see information about the fundamental policy for earnings distributions and dividend payments.

Q. When does Bell-Park start paying dividends?

Payment of the year-end dividend begins in late March after the annual shareholders meeting. Payment of the interim dividend begins in the middle of September.

Q. When is the annual shareholders meeting?

The meeting is held every year in late March.

Q. Do shareholders receive a gift at the shareholders meeting?

We did not present gifts at the 2021-2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders due to safety concerns from the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Japan, COVID-19 has been downgraded to General Infectious Disease, but due to the prevalence of influenza and other viral infections, we will also cancel the presentation of souvenirs at the 31th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on March 22, 2024.

We would like to consider gifts after 2025, based on the future status of infectious diseases and other conditions.

Q. Are there any special benefits for shareholders?

Click here to see information about shareholder benefits.

Q. How do I change my address, register a method to receive dividends and perform other procedures involving my Bell-Park stock?

Click here to see information about shareholder services.

Q. I did not receive my dividend before the end of the payment period written in the dividend receipt form. Can I still receive this dividend?

After the end of the payment period for a dividend, the dividend can still be received by submitting the dividend receipt form at any office of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, which is Bell-Parkʼs transfer agent, or by designating an account at a financial institution for receipt of the dividend payment. Click here to see more information about performing these procedures.

*The Bell-Park Articles of Incorporation limit the payment of a dividend to the three-year period starting on the day that a dividend payment begins. Shareholders can no longer receive a dividend after this three-year period. Shareholders are asked to receive dividends as soon as possible after the payment period begins.

Q. I have lost my dividend receipt form. Can I still receive this dividend?

Even if the dividend receipt form is lost, a dividend that has not expired can be received by completing the designated procedure. Click here to see information about this procedure.

Q. How can I check to see if there are any dividends in prior years that I have not received?

Shareholders who have not received payment of a dividend that has not expired should submit the designated form. Click here to see information about this procedure.

About Financial Results

Q. When is the end of Bell-Parkʼs fiscal year?

December 31.

Q. When does Bell-Park announce results of operations?

Click here to see the IR calendar.

Q. Where can I see results of operations and other financial information?

Click here to see the IR Library or Financial Highlights.

About Bell-Park

Q. When was Bell-Park established?

February 2, 1993.

Q. Why is the company called Bell-Park?

Bell is derived from Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, and the telephone bell that rings when there is an incomingcall. Park was selected because parks are places where people gather.Together, these two words express our commitment to being acompany that brings people together in the field of telecommunications.

Q. When were Bell-Park shares first listed?

May 25, 2000.

Q. What are the business operations of Bell-Park?

Click here for an overview of our business operations.

Q. Please explain your policies for managing business operations.

Click here for an explanation of our management policies.

Q. Where are your operated shops?

Click here for information about the locations of our shops.

Q. Where can I find information about companies in the Bell-Park Group?

Click here for information about group companies.

Q. Please explain your activities involving sustainability.

Click here for information about sustainability.

Q. Please explain your corporate governance structure and activities.

Click here for information about corporate governance.