To Individual Investors

Information for individual investors to learn more about Bell-Park.

Business Summary

As an independent mobile phone sales agent, Bell-Park Co. is engaged in the business of selling information and communication equipment and services and comprises two business segments: Carrier Shops and Corporate Solutions.

Carrier Shops

We operate carrier shops based on agency consignment agreements with communications carriers. (In fact, very few shops are directly operated by communications carriers; most are run by sales agents.) Carrier shops offer a wide range of services, including selling smartphones, providing related services, accepting repairs, changing plans and other after-sales services, as well as assisting first-time smartphone users.

キャリアショップ運営1 キャリアショップ運営2

*SoftBank Shops, au Shops and Y!mobile Shops directly operated as primary agents, while docomo Shops are operated as secondary agents.

No. of Carrier Shops (As of Dec 31,2024)

Direct FC Total
SoftBank Shops 236 50 286
docomo Shops 9 9
au Shops 6 6
Y!mobile Shops 29 3 32
Total 280 53 333

Corporate Solutions

The Corporate Solutions provides mobile phone services and various solution services to corporate customers. To support the further development of our customers’ businesses, we offer a wide range of customer-oriented services, from consultation on the introduction of corporate mobile phones and cost reductions, to support for the introduction of telework and proposals to improve overall business efficiency.


Business Model

The mobile phone industry is divided into several sectors that perform different roles. Manufacturers produce handsets, communications carriers build networks and create service plans, and sales agents sell these products and services through direct contact with customers. Major Sources of Earnings are (1) Sales commissions, (2) Renewal commissions, (3) Fees for various tasks and (4) Other support payments.


Major Sources of Earnings

(1) Sales commissions

We earn a profit by selling handsets at prices below our cost and then offsetting this loss by receiving sales commissions. The amount of each sales commission depends on the category of the sale (new subscribers or replacement handsets, etc.) and the type of service plan.

(2) Renewal commissions

We receive a percentage of the monthly communication charges that customers pay as consistent source of revenue. The size of renewal commissions grows with the number of customers who use handsets we sold for a long time.

(3) Fees for various tasks

We charge fees for intermediary services such as optical line services, electrical contracts, and follow-up services such as service plan alteration and handset repair.

(4) Other support payments

We receive support payments from carriers for marketing activities at shops and shop staff. These payments vary depending on the performance based on sales and customer satisfaction.

Strengths of Bell-Park

Consulting skills for face-to-face customer services

Recruitment and training of talented people

Personnel able to provide outstanding hospitality and consulting skills is important in carrier shops.Bell-Park group is constantly recruiting talented individuals, whether recent graduates or people with job experience. Through a systematic training menu provided by a dedicated training team and on-the-job training at training shops, we are enhancing our education system so that even inexperienced staff can become professionals, and we are also focusing on the acquisition of shop staff certification by telecommunications carriers. In addition to the operational skills of carrier shops, We established in-house qualification system, the “Digitization Certification” to improve the consulting skills of shop staff by deepening their knowledge of digital peripherals and services.

Bell-Park Recruitment Site
(Introduction of education and training system)


Improving customer service skills

To accomplish the goal of providing the best customer service in Japan, the Bell-Park Group is using feedback from customer surveys and other sources to improve how personnel interact with customers and to provide a better environment at shops. In addition, we have established a unique internal program called Best Mobile Concierge certification program to recognize outstanding performance by shop personnel based on comments from surveys completed by customers. In 2015-2024, nine Bell-Park employees were grand prize winners in a customer service contest for SoftBank and Y!mobile shops.


BMC(Best Mobile Concierge) Certification Badges


Customer service contest sponsored by SoftBank


A regionally focused shop network

Bell-Park had 333 stores at the end of December 2024 and about 80% of these shops were located in the Kanto, Tokai and Kansai areas. By expanding the shop network and promoting dominance in each trade area, We are building a highly profitable shop network by increasing the effectiveness of sharing management resources and best practices.

Expansion of shop network

We have used our sound financial base to make 100 over acquisitions over the years for the purpose of enlarging our shop network.
Expertise gained from these acquisitions allows us to efficiently integrate new operations into our group, individuals who belonged to acquired companies and their operations are making a big contribution to our performance.

Domination of each trade area

In view of the market environment, We are improving operational efficiency by promoting the dominance of each trade area through scrap-and-build, such as integrating neighbouring shops, exchanging shops with other agencies and closing unprofitable shops.

No. of carrier shops by region (End of December 2024)

Area Direct FC Total Comp.
Hokkaido 1 1 0.3%
Tohoku 11 17 28 8.4%
Hokuriku 13 13 3.9%
Kanto 154 8 162 48.6%
Tokai 50 6 56 16.8%
Kansai 17 21 38 11.4%
Chugoku 13 13 3.9%
Shikoku 9 9 2.7%
Kyushu 13 13 3.9%
Total 280 53 333 100.0%

Sound financial base

Net assets was 34.1 billion yen (equity ratio: 67.4%), and net cash was 20.1 billion en as of December 2024. We will maintain a stable financial base and prepare for future business expansion opportunities.

(million yen)

Fiscal years ended December 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Net assets 26,661 28,771 30,340 31,923 34,166
Equity ratio 57.5% 66.3% 69.6% 67.2% 67.4%
Net cash 17,028 18,316 17,616 19,632 20,137
Cash and deposits 22,042 18,331 17,616 19,722 20,207

* Net cash = Cash and deposits – Interest-bearing debt

Initiatives to enhance corporate value

The business environment in the mobile phone and other sales market is undergoing major changes, including the spread of 5G-compatible mobile phones and services, diversification of sales channels through internet sales and other means, and increased competition among communications carriers to lower telecommunications charges. Carrier shops are expected to require more advanced customer service skills in order to provide customers with the most suitable service from a wide variety of services. In the corporate market, IT investment is expected to increase not only in large companies but also in small and medium-sized enterprises  due to growing demand for security, telework, work style reform and DX-related products.

We will do our utmost to address the following management issues in order to cope with the rapid changes in the business environment in the mobile phone and other sales market and to continuously increase our corporate value.

(1)The steady growth and well-balanced business portfolio

We will build a well-balanced business portfolio by continuing steady growth in the carrier shop business and expanding the corporate solutions business, which is expected to grow significantly in the future.

Carrier Shop Business

・To improve the profitability of existing shops, focus on the development of new products and services that meet the needs of customers, and on the provision of face-to-face customer service
・To expand shop network of highly profitable by carefully considering and deciding on sales forecasts, investment profitability and other factors, while keeping an eye on market trends.
・To increase productivity in shops, the efficiency of shop operations will be promoted, by improving shop operations and reducing customer waiting times.

Corporate Solution Business

・Step up sales activities to add new customers, such as by increasing the number of sales offices, adding more partners for sales activities, and strengthening web marketing activities
・To increase revenues by establishing and selling new peripheral services based on mobile phones and PC equipment.

(2)Recruitment and development of a diverse workforce and development of a rewarding work environment.

The people of the Bell-Park Group are the source of energy for the group’s progress and growth. We will continue multifaceted recruitment activities to secure excellent human resources, both new graduates and mid-career workers, and promote the skills and career development of each individual through the acquisition by employees of basic IT knowledge, knowledge of cutting-edge products and services, etc.
Furthermore, in order to create an environment in which employees can work with peace of mind for longer, we will promote personnel strategies with a view to the medium- to long-term growth of our human resources, such as reforming working styles, promoting diversity, encouraging employees to take paid leave, reducing overtime hours and creating an environment in which employees can take on various businesses and tasks, including new businesses. Promote a human resources strategy with a view to the medium- and long-term growth of human resources.

*More information about Recruitment and development of a diverse workforce and development of a rewarding work environment.

(3)Sustainability initiatives, including ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance)

In order to promote both sustainable growth of the company and contribution to the sustainability of society, we will strive to achieve a sustainable society while taking appropriate measures in all areas related to ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance).

*More information about Sustainability initiatives